Monday, March 17, 2008

I've been tagged by Dawn

I've been tagged by Dawn and Erin!! (No way I could do this twice in a row!!)

Well I'm sitting here thinking how boring I am and what I can tell you, so...

#1. I'm boring!
#2. At work, I am very organized and timely! Everything needs to be completed and done so quickly. Since my son and stamping came in to my life, my home life is very disorganized and I am a procrastinator. I can sit for hours and accomplish nothing and I forget everything!
#3. I sometimes eat cookies, cake, anything junk food for breakfast and I am not ashamed! I love chocolate!! Funny thing is it just started within the last couple of years, I must be unbalanced!!
#4. I buy stuff compulsively and that really needs to stop. Most of it, I later wonder why I even picked it up. If I order it online, I can't wait for it to get here, but may not touch it for months.
#5. I hate clutter, you would not believe the sparseness of the other rooms in my house. I throw everything away!! Sometimes I'll want it later, but too late it's gone. But not in my stamp room, there is everything in here, cans, jars, bottles, books (I never read and probably never will!), envelopes from cards I have received................................................................................................
#6. I love to play games, any kind of games, but mostly cards. My mom says I used to sit on the stairs shuffling the cards and waiting for someone to get up. She says I was 3, but I think she exaggerates!! Surprised I didn't turn in to a gambler!!!
#7. I can't believe you might still be reading this, but in case you are I better finish. My aunt just says, I never shut up when I was a kid, talk, talk, talk and I think this is still true. Unfortunately my son takes after me and it sometimes drives me up a wall. Sorry Aunt Pudge!!! My poor husband!!

Now I must tag some others: Linsey, Tiffany, Ahilim, Susan, and Jean!

Hope I didn't boar you to death and you can check out their blogs!!


Lynn Put said...

This was not boring at all to read, it was very fun and I can totally relate to #3 and being unbalanced, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Very fun stuff. My DH calls me a card shark... but he isn't talking about the kind you shuffle.
Thanks for the tag! Now to try and think up 7 things... hmmm....